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Time flies

What else can I pack in before we leave... 🤣😉

I have to say I did a lot and met some awesome people. Everything I set out to do I did. With all the fires around us the days are filled with gray skies and the smell of the forest burning. This is so sad. I pray for the first responders and for those who are impacted by the fires. People are losing their homes and it's very difficult to breath.

Some of these fires have started from lightning strikes. I'm not 100 % sure if that's the way mother nature renews this planet. When I was in Glacier NP on the east side the first time back in 2019 St. Mary's lake was surrounded by lush forest now there are just sticks. Damage (death) from Southern pine beettes

These dead trees are fuel for the fires.

My pictures are few because of this. I did post some I took with my phone but it's not the same.

In my efforts to support Glacier National Park and the park projects they have going on and projects proposed for 2023

When I return I will be offering Guided Forest Therapy Walks on a donation basis and a portion of the proceeds will go directly to Glacier National Park. If you want to book a walk click here

I will also be offer Guided Walks at Holloway Haven in Seminole. These walks will support the Seminole Historical Museum. Again these walks will be on a donation basis with a portion of the proceeds going to the Museum. Click here and look for Holloway Haven

So here's to the fish I never caught! But I think I will continue to fly fish even in Florida I found it to be the most relaxing event. So ladies or gentlemen if anyone wants to join me just let me know. I took a fly casting lesson at

They were very helpful and knowledgeable. They got me set up and explained about the line, the tipit, and the fly. When I got to Montana we went to Snappy's

Talked with some locals to find out what bugs they were biting. Now Florida will be a whole new game. Let's play. 😀

If you get the chance watch the movie "A river runs through it" 💚

Such beauty in our country. The time is now step out and explore it will push you to learn new things meet new people and see out beautiful planet. The thing is you don't have to go far. You're backyard, a local park, a park bench. Let your mind think of the possibilities and then just take one thing that's new and do it. Exploring our edges is not easy but as I learned in my process of becoming a FT guide there was a lot of stuff that I was not comfortable with but baby steps are making me wanting to learn more.

Here is a link to Florida's State Parks

they always have programs going on.

Check out Florida Botanical Gardens

I can't wait for the children's section to be done just in time for me to take my grandson to. 💙👶

Well that's all for now.

Peace, Love & Explore

Donna & Al

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